Isaac: The Mocking Laughter of Unbelief

Isaac: The Mocking Laughter of Unbelief

I don’t LAUGH like a lady… There’s nothing lady like about my LAUGHTER… When I let it out… I let it out… The only thing left to stamp to my unladylike LAUGH is a snort .. I don’t snort, or maybe I haven’t gotten there yet…maybe

LAUGHTER has been my very present tool in so many ways. Sometimes I use my LAUGHTER to hide my discomfort. Mostly a chuckle here. It makes me feel comfortable and at ease.

Then there are times when am nervous. It comes naturally. It cost me in an interview awhile back since my interviewers thought I was not serious. Thing Is was nervous . I wasn’t LAUGHING at them. I know it is unprofessional..

Then there’s SARAH’S LAUGH… This one…is a special one… Not of unbelief… I feel like SARAH’S LAUGH was more of “LORD, I BELIEVE HELP MY UNBELIEF”… “LORD I REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE, PLEASE HELP MY UNBELIEF”…

That’s the LAUGH I have been thinking about… You know … That LAUGH you let out when you want to hide the fact that there’s an ounce of unbelief in what God has said…

You know…

You’ve Been looking for a job for years and then you’re called to an interview and you LAUGH thinking ” What’s the point? “

Or when a friend sends you ANOTHER job advert and you almost want to tell them to stop sending more ads but don’t want to disappoint them so you LAUGH and maybe apply again to please her…

OR the LAUGHTER you let out when you shrug at the fact that something good can actually come out of you…

OR for Sister joy, that LAUGHTER you let out when they say that THIS IS YOUR YEAR and you feel like shouting at them and saying ” YOU SAID THAT LAST TIME”… that shrug you give to hide that there’s some UNBELIEF…

SARAH let out that LAUGH when she heard that NEXT YEAR a time like this she will actually be a mother…

I guess SARAH thought…

“This one didn’t get the MEMO; I was barren when I was in child bearing age and now am both barren, old and cold”… Oh how that LAUGHTER tried to hide all the questions that SARAH had…

That LAUGHTER may have been a call for HELP… You know, that last sigh you give after trying all attempts and failing terribly. That sigh you give after you actually finally decide to raise your hands to GOD in total surrender.

That final SIGH you let out knowing that for the many times you’ve tried to “HELP” God it didn’t go so well and so you give HIM THE WHEEL.. Madam SARAH and Hubby had tried helping God by using Hagar…poor Hagar..

I can almost see her in her tent, eves dropping to hear what her HUBBY and the guests were saying…(all women do that don’t judge).. immediately she heard that she will be a mother NEXT YEAR A TIME LIKE THIS, she forgot that she was not supposed to be part of this conversation…she couldn’t help but LAUGH.

There’s that LAUGH that comes from the stomach that LAUGH that you have and even snort unembarrassed…that one…that one that make you short of breathe.. That’s the kind of LAUGH that am praying for you this month

This NEW MONTH…MAY GOD CHANGE THAT LAUGH… that cynical laugh of UNBELIEF… That laugh that SARAH gave…

May God give you a genuine LAUGH… The one that stands in disbelief, FACE to FACE with that thing that you’ve been praying for, for a long time… Whatever your ISAAC is, may the GOOD LORD GIVE YOU.


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