Sister Joy: Let's Talk about Ovulation

How to Handle Ovulation Season as a Christian

Being single in the dating world can be challenging, but there are certain times of the month when the struggle feels even more intense. One moment, you’re content and focused, and the next, every man around you seems like a potential husband.

The ones you previously ignored suddenly seem more appealing, and even the toxic ex you swore off starts looking like an option again.

Ovulation can play tricks on your emotions and judgment. It can make you text someone you know is bad news or even go the extra mile to cook a three-course meal for a man who doesn’t deserve your energy. It can make you apologize when you weren’t in the wrong, just for the sake of companionship.

The Bible puts it perfectly: “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly” (Proverbs 26:11).

The Flesh vs. The Spirit

When the Bible says, “The flesh is always at war with the Spirit,” I can’t help but think about ovulation. How is it that the same body I call the temple of the Holy Spirit still struggles to submit to His Lordship during this time? It’s a real battle, one that requires self-awareness, discipline, and spiritual strength.

As I grow older, I’m realizing how crucial it is to cultivate a relationship with myself—and, more importantly, with the Lord. Keeping a journal has been one of the best tools for maintaining sanity during these moments of weakness.

I’ve come to accept that my body has desires and appetites that, at times, seem overwhelming. However, understanding them and handling them wisely is key.

Before I fully grasped the effects of ovulation, I used to think I was losing my mind. But now, I see that self-awareness is a gift. The more I prioritize quality time with myself, the better I can navigate the temptations that come with ovulation.

Acknowledging the Desire for Marriage

Ovulation has also taught me something important: I am called to marry. My body has sexual urges, and that doesn’t negate my faith.

Many Christians avoid discussing these natural desires, but I have learned that confronting them head-on helps me take control, rather than allowing them to control me.

How to Deal with Temptations During Ovulation

1. Keep an Active Journal

It may sound cliché, but journaling truly helps. Write down what your body is experiencing. Be honest and detailed—your journal is for your eyes only. Acknowledging your emotions and thoughts can help you process them without acting on impulse.

2. Have Accountable Friends

Good girlfriends are a blessing. Having friends who know your cycle and struggles can help keep you in check. Be open about your feelings, and when necessary, plan sleepovers or quality time with them to avoid loneliness and potential pitfalls.

3. Pray About It

God cares about every detail of your life—including your menstrual cycle. Surrender your struggles to Him and seek His strength in moments of weakness. The flesh may be persistent, but it does not have to win. As 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 reminds us:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

The flesh is relentless, but it must be brought into submission to Christ.

Final Thoughts

That’s all for today, ladies. I want you to know that I am praying for you and with you as we pursue purity and wholeness. You are not alone in this journey. Stay strong, stay accountable, and above all, stay close to God.


With love, Sister Joy

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