Ladies and gentlemen this new look is called ” ready to settle” “can cook something” “hates ironing” and ” hata mimi sijaona izo socks babe” Anyways.
My hair texture is what we call “steel wool” I mean I dread blow-dry. I actually hate blow-dry. You know there are those salonist that chimba your head while straightening your hair and you wonder “kwani huyu anatoa makasiriko na Mimi.”
I know you’re asking why do I allow myself to go through such pain while there are options. This is why…
1. I can’t shave my head because I took my father’s features, my hair does better to hide those features else I’ll be looking like a brathe proper_dont get me wrong my father is handsome,I just don’t want to be one HANDSOME girl.
2. I can’t apply chemical behaviour because such hair style requires one to be a lady and I’ve accepted that being a lady is some class I haven’t graduated yet. I still identify as female although wueh…hair maintenance is where I draw the line.
3. I can’t do permanent dreadlocks because I easily get bored and I wouldn’t want to make a permanent decision just because I’m a “coward” blow-dry heat.
I thank God for the wisdom he has bestowed on the sons of men that now we have things like treatment that helps to detangle hair. Ever since my encounter with treatment, my blowdry visits have been less dreadful.
Thinking of the word that speaks of the sin that easily entangles, hair, African hair comes to mind.
We call entangle “kũrigishana” and “detangling” sounds as hard.
Water is the enemy of African straightened hair. It will turn the hair to some ngima or steel wool anyday. I don’t know any other thing that quickly humbles African straightened hair than water( Kwanza baridi )
Simple solution to atleast make sure that the straightened hair serves it’s time is frequently combing, pleating some matuta at night, and sleeping with a silk bornet.
Anyway…enough with my hair narratives…
It is important to observe that all Christians dealt with the sins that easily entangled them 10 years ago. No one is currently having some detangling to do.
Well apart from dealing with gossip here, and anger issues. Things that are deep like sexual sin, ah, tulizishughulikia miaka mingi iliyopita ( sarcastic side eye)
Am not here to judge or say you didn’t win the battle a decade ago when you were 19 years (doubtful).
Am just here to advocate for self awareness, know what EASILY ENTANGLES YOU AND HOW TO DETANGLE .