The Blessing of Being the Lastborn

The Blessing of Being the Lastborn

Our LASTBORN turned 7 Jana. And weuh, in the last 7 years I’ve been in my ‘wuehs’ and ‘wahs’ questioning my childhood and everything about it. .

Tell me why her Dad ( my father) has to wake up in the morning to take my sister to school.

The school is a five minutes walk and very safe, I mean hakuna barabara ya Lami guys.

At her age, I used to take myself to school. I would cross a highway to school, na hizi si zile chocha za wazazi ati they used to read with the light ya lightning na koroboi ya neighbour, or walk 5km and cross the great River Jordan ndio wafike shule ( aki parents). My parents never escorted me to school and the school bus I ever boarded ni ya MUT going for missions. Am not bitter, am just stating my truth.

My mum would tell that I should cross the road when others were crossing. I used to hold the hand of strangers while crossing the road na akifika katikati ya barabara ndio ananotice katoto clinging to his/her hand. Someone had to be very wicked to push my hand away. When they say firstborns are a rehearsal for parents I am a witness. I so honour and love my parents guys.

Now that you get the context, let’s go back to


This little girl has been raised. She will not have daddy issues when she grows up because her relationship with her Dad ( my Father, lest you start concluding stuff) is very intact. I think her issues will be overconfidence, optimism and over expectation.

Her issue will be people trying to tone her personality down a little. She will not be shy or have self esteem issues because her esteem was pumped ever since she was concieved ( true story, my dad would read the book of songs of Solomon to our sister when she was days’ old. He would prophecy over her. Am telling you this girl has deposits for her generation.)

Our LASTBORN found my parents settled and ready. The girl is taken to school by her father ( again, my dad) daily.

In fact her dad is so invested in the CBC assignments she is given that He anticipates for them. You should see him grinning when he draws an elephant or makes a truck from scratch as assignment. You should see them discussing homework… Guys my sis is in grade 1. Did I tell you my dad never missed a clinic day for this girl. The rest of us, well, we grew guys. I am not bitter, am just realising how a FIRSTBORN and a LASTBORN can have different narrations about their parents and it is all true.

Our LASTBORN does not worry about money for school trips, she worries if she will wake up on time. Jana, on her birthday she didn’t worry about whether the birthday party will be done, her worry was if she will remember to invite all her friends. She worried about where we will bake our cake from. She worried whether to wear her white dress or the red one.

In her tender age, our LASTBORN has an aura around her. She carries an aura that makes you want to be good to her. She carries an aura that makes you want to be good and kind and want to take her to school.

I think it makes sense why most LASTBORNS hawajui kiboko ni nini. These kids listen to correction by word of mouth, you don’t necessarily have shout. They come and they reason.The rest of us lazima kiboko ingetembea. Our parents didn’t have the time or luxury to reason. Hugs dears OTHER BORNS.

Now I understand why Joseph’s brother had issues about the way he was brought up. The guys felt cheated because somehow the syllabus had changed when it came to raising Joseph up. I understand their envy and conspiracy.

I don’t envy our LASTBORN. I am adapting her outlook of life. Am learning to be less worried.

I am learning to worry less about if the Birthday PARTY will happen and focus on whether the list is complete. I am learning to expect the good in others. Am learning to settle in my baby girl era. Am learning to shed off the toxic aspects of FIRSTBORN SYNDROME.

Our LASTBORN’S name is Blessing. And for sure she has been a blessing through and through. There’s a two decade age gap between us, so I understand if my parents have updated the syllabus, it is allowed.

In my other family, the one where we already have the FIRSTBORN docket taken by Christ, I intentionally choose to be God’s LASTBORN because why not.

Fast forward, true to her expectations my sister’s only concern was the list because the cake came thanks to Evangeline Kanyiri Wamukoya . The rest of us had to make her dream a reality. No one had the energy to look at her in the eyes and tell her that her birthday party couldn’t be done because of something as trivial as money. No one dares to break her heart.

Ps. I won’t post her here. I will let her be a child because that time runs very fast.

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