Some two years ago I was on the phase of short, off shoulder dresses or very low back cleavage or just something extra with my dresses, and I love them. I could even minister with them without feeling anything,I mean a girl was slaying… SLAY AND PRAY kinda hashtag. I loved that version of me btw.
Fast forward 3 weeks ago. Woke up very early 4:30ish… Prepped myself for church: Took my pink Kadress ironed it, put it on and looked myself up in the mirror. I loved what I saw. I applied my light make-up by this I mean foundation pekee na kapowder ( still working on the eyebrows tutorial once am done heheee)
The front part of my kapink dress was very harmless, you know nothing “unsaved” about it. The issue was the backside, the cleavage at the back was too low.. I mean almost bare even( how did I not notice this for the past two years I’ve been wearing it?… Please ask me another question) The design of that Kadress is not giving church… I realised after two years… Am too slow sometimes.
Since I got to church quite early, I had my shawl on until the early bird prayers were done, around 8am… And when time came for me to offload myself of this heavy shawl, I couldn’t. I tried to adjust my dress, my dhamiri was screaming ” DEM,UNACHOMA…UNABURN”… So I opted kuchomeka na jua na kishawl kinakaa blanket than be uncomfortable with how low my back cleavage was… Si am telling you Joto melted my make-up wadau.
The discussion about how to dress and what to dress in church will never be fully won because it is very personal. Maybe if I wasn’t ministering, I would have been comfortable without the shawl. Maybe I was comfortable ministering with it few years ago but now am not. Majamaa, sijanona btw, the dress fits as it used to fit kitambo, so it’s not a question of it being too tight.
This is not a debate I want to start of HOW SHORT IS TOO SHORT, how tight is too tight, or even how low should the cleavage go before we tag “for the streets” on it.
It is a question of what does your conscience tell you. If it is alive, it will call you NYUMA YA TENT and tell you that outfit does not work for this occasion.
1.. A long dress does not justify it to be too tight, or see-through, or a too hiiiigh a slit SISTER JOY. Kama ni see-through, camisoles still work imagine, like there are very classy camisoles si zile za our grannies.
2. A sleeveless outfit requires you to work on your armpits and some lotion . And maybe a kablazzer.
3. You will not learn in any school that you atleast need 2 black bras and some dark seamless undies because they come in handy with light outfits. Msichana mrembo lakini nguo inataka kumchomea.
5..Please carry a classy scarf or leso to church in case you’ve worn a short dress, you’re giving ushers a hard time.
6. Do away with BigG outfits, you know, those ones that cling to you like there’s no tomorrow, they’ll shame you.
7. Also, no one said that you can’t wear a decent pair of trousers to church if the dresses you have are not giving…
Am also learning this things polepole…so we’re in this school together.
You might ask ” mtu alikuwa church kutafuta Mungu ama kukwazwa na venye watu wamevaa…and you might be right in your Reasoning… however in this fold, we work on removing the LOG IN OUR EYES, THAN THE SPECK IN A NEIGHBOUR’S EYE…you remember whe. Peter asked about what will become of John..Jesus said “wewe shughulika na Chenye inafaa kufanya ( he said using other polite words of course)
I know the evangelists in Crusades tell us ” NJOO VILE ULIVYO” when they invite us to church and that is okay… I mean, there is always a starting point… But ” USIBAKI VILE ULIVYO MREMBO” …Let there be a distinction, let us have notes to compare .
PS: I didn’t say am throwing my kapink kadress away, am just saying I’ll have to adjust it for church or wear it elsewhere. Ama maybe that Sunday wasn’t a good day.. hehe