There’s a side of hope that is altogether not good na usipochunga that TUMAINI will be Tumatumbo for you .and I mean stomach ulcers
Sister Joy, HOPE is what makes the UNDERSTANDING GIRLFRIEND, remain with her DEADBEAT man regardless of how shady he treats her. She HOPES he will change someday… She HOPES that she will take in the trophy of changing him.
HOPE makes the UNDERSTANDING GIRLFRIEND, endure being the punching bag of some insecure man in the name of ” btw ananipenda ni venye he’s a little bit temperamental”… Come to think of it… Has mister man ever hit his female boss who is bossinG HIM around…
HOPE will have you continue wearing an engagement ring for 10 years because, this year he might just have saved enough to do that 50k wedding that you dont mind having as long as you have him…
TUMAINI, will have you, SISTER JOY, compromise on every boundary you had because … You love him right…THOSE LINES start becoming so grey, and you no longer care about “HOW FAR IS TOO FAR” whatever that means.
Dear Sister JOY… Your HOPE that maybe tomorrow he will change has made you accept crap… It has made you become his DEFENSE ATTORNEY to your friends AND family who see right through the facade he puts across… So when will his actions speak louder than words??
This false sense of HOPE has actually made you finally made you succumb to being treated kama dawa za kulevya…because the rate at which you’re being smuggled in and out loft his house at night by HIM is alarming…
I bet you have turned down dates for valentine’s to make room for HIM because HE might just need you tonight ( yeye ni mtu spontaneous hapendi kumake plans)… MADAM JOY THE UNDERSTANDING GIRLFRIEND..looking at your phone every minute so as asicall akukose. are you even the girlfriend tuanze hapo.
Put a or an to these questions ( me wickedly laughing wickedly)
1. He’s the first person you think about when you’re in trouble
2. He’s the first person to celebrate your achievements
3. He wants to meet you ( not past 10pm, not in His house,not always indoors)
4. He makes plans for you guys in how to spend time together
5. He appreciates you, your physique and your personality openly.
6. His friends( not your friends … SIS) KNOW YOU ARE AN ITEM.
7. His family members know you (NOT YOURS)
8. You go for functions together.
9. You can have a conversation ( remove flirting, your body shenanigans and anything sexual…like you can actually talk like friends).
10. You are not confused about what you are in their life.
11. Do you remember what a gift from a boyfriend looks like hata tropical za Tatu kumi…
12.Na btw anakuambiaga pole?
13. Niendelee….????( Bado huoni red flags MAMAÁ)
Anywho… You might still on all the 10 questions and still defend your love Because… ” You guys don’t know him like I do”..
. How long do actually want to keep using that line on your friends…
The most sad thing about this HOPE FALLACY is that there might be 10 good guys around you…who have declared their intentions but you just want to have YOUR POISON… BECAUSE THE HEART EATS BISCUIT ( ngoro íríaga múthuguiti)… You’re in so deep you don’t even see how this whole confusion has messed your relationship with God…
We’ve all had our POISONS… MALE OR FEMALE… BUT only you can call the shots and finally throw away that poison… otherwise it is not going anywhere…it will continue hovering and you’ll continue sipping Mosmos.
So SISTER JOY or BROTHER BENARD… Tonight being the EVE of VALENTINE’S, It might particularly be hard to not just give HOPE one LAST chance as you have always said for the last 7 YEARS now… When that urge comes to say YES to that POISON please remember how far you have come…
If you can’t say yes to any of the guys that are asking you out… Just NETFLIX AND CHILL GIRL… (I know you expected me to say pray… And prayer is good… BUT NETFLIX AND CHILL is the prescription today…watch some thriller and cook and eat MATOKE
OTHERWISE, Like I said you can still decide to give HOPE one LAST chance( ya mwiiiiicho kapsaa) MADAM UNDERSTANDING GIRLFRIEND…you might even think of spicing things up by surprising him at his place, or buying him a gift now that he didn’t remember it’s valentine’s ( He a busy man and doesn’t concern himself with such..or did valentine’s escape his mind?)… Well ” si God anaunderstand” and other short stories you tell yourself to quiet the REASON THAT THE GOOD LORD GAVE YOU AND your conscience before you do something that you know you will regret … You can do that…
Ah…you can actually write him a 500word poem professing your Endless love and commitment… SISTER JOY, YOU CAN BE THE MAN IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP .
I wanted to tell you to delete that number but I know you know it off head, you actually know if forward, backwards, in twos and in threes… Blocking has never worked all those years so I won’t advise that too.
I’ll tell you to intentionally decide to kill the HOPE switch because whatever you have is not love…
They say the only way to Kill a Ngamia is by not looking at it when you put it out of its misery else you’ll never have the guts when you look right in it’s eyes ( sijui kama ni story za my dad za you know what)
I will tell you what LOVE IS…
1.Love is kind
2. There’s no chaos and confusion in love.( Arguments and misunderstandings are there but they are just that)
3. There’s security and safety in love…
4. There’s accountability in Love
5. There’s BLOOMING AND BLOSSOMING IN love ( have you seen a woman who is loved right wewe ama unaskianga… That woman can conquer the world… So girl are you blossoming or your wings are being clipped na macold war 150?
6. There’s peace in Love and serenity.
7. and finally THERE’S GOD, THERES GOT TO BE GOD IN love ( are you drawing each other to God or to other things.. Coz if it’s not to God, that SHIP WILL SINK)