Beloved, have you come to terms with the fact that no matter how good and amazing you might be, battles are inevitable? The sooner to come to that realization the better it will be for you. Most of us think that just because you have no quarrels with the enemy, he will not come and prick you. Many times he just does it for just.
You glow and shine and everything but be alert to the fact that there is war and you were recruited even without your consent.
Reminds me of a certain season I experienced. When everything in my small world fell apart. There was no notice about it or anything. It was a normal Sunday like any other but i did not know that by the time evening would come, that I would be so broken to the extent of being sick. The external issue that happened is not the point of focus right now, my focus was how I reacted to it. I almost crashed, like literally. I could not commit suicide, well because I could not imagine suffering in all eternity.
In addition, I could not commit suicide because I am a baby girl, I allow pain when it is really necessary. Case in point, I have been having some growth on my hand and am still praying and hoping that it would disappear without me going to the hospital.
So battles. Come to terms with them.
Your ignorance of the current state of affairs would not necessarily change things. They’ll just pile up and overwhelm you when you least expect.
Blessed be the Lord my rock,
Who trains my hands for war,And my fingers for battle-
psalm 144:1
The Whispers
I remember sometimes back telling my friends that I was thinking of giving into fornication. I told them that I did not want to come and tell them that I have “found myself.”
I wanted to consciously engage.
I had gotten to a point of accountability and being responsible for my actions. I did not want the aftermath story of the experience to be that some man lured me into sleeping with him. That is irresponsible I think.
When I explained to my friends where I was, one told me, “Charity, that is not you.” I was taken aback by the statement. “I know you, and this is not you speaking right now, I know your voice, I know where you heart is at and this is not you. “
She continued, “I do not know how much the devil has sold this idea to you but he is leaving right now. He has taken over your thoughts and you cannot differentiate between your thought and his seeds .”
She immediately started praying for me as I broke down into tears wondering how far I had allowed this thought to take root.
My other friend spoke of the assignment that the Lord has bestowed on me. She spoke it like a prophesy or declaration of sorts, this is what she said;
You will not miss your crown after working it out this far. You will stand, you will not fall. You will not miss your crown Charity. You will continue to be a blessing to your generation as you have always been. Your mission will not be cut short by something as temporary as this. You will arise from this state
My Friend
It was not prayer but there was power in these words. She kept stating , “You will not miss you Crown, Charity, not for this. ” I could not speak, neither could I cry, I was feeling the great power of God in the words that were being declared over my life.
The whispers had taken me to the place of telling myself that I was beyond help. That, there was no other way out but succumbing. Oh, the devil is a liar.
When my friend left, I started affirming myself that I will not miss or lose my crown. I kept affirming myself that I am an overcomer. That , this wasn’t how I was going down. Am here, a testimony that battles are meant to be won. Battles a meant to strengthen our muscles not to frail as.
Your Battles
So beloved, what hypnosis has the enemy brought you into, what battles have the enemy made you believe that you have lost even before launching into war?
One thing about the enemy is that he has limited resources so he will keep bringing that which easily entangles you until you overcome it.
Sometimes, the enemy lies that you will be forgiven regardless, but why take the grace of God for granted in that manner.
There are levels that you will no get with God while you are still condoning some things.
Some battles we are fighting as young women in this age and time include:
- Compromising to marry an unbeliever
- Avoiding the community of the church because of offense
- Succumbing to sexual sin because, ‘everyone is doing it.’
Whatever that is not found in God will prick you, one way or the other
Am here to let you know that you can come out of whatever hypnosis that you think you are in. Some, will need your daily confessions and surrender to God. This is not how you go down.
Arise oh child of the promise.